Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2014


Na da freu ich mich aber, dass sich ein liebes, sexy Girl für mich interessiert .....
Bleiben nur noch die Fragen:
Wie kommt sie drauf, dass ich ein Mann wäre?
Wer ist Elisha?
Welches Foto hat sie mir geschickt?
Woher weiß sie, was "meine Stadt" ist?
Wieso ist Geld kein Problem für sie und schreibt im nächsten Satz, dass sie keine Kosten übernehmen kann?
Fragen über Fragen ....

Are you surprised with this letter?
Good evening. my name Allie and I beautiful, kind and sexy girl.
I'm 31. I'm looking for men to meet, sex, and just to talk. Your Email address gave me our common friend Elisha.
She also told me that you're good in bed. And it gets me really. I really want to know you better faster.
You're very cute and handsome man. I send you my photo and I hope that you like it.
Now I would like to report important news.
My boss sent me on a business trip.
Very soon I'll have to fly on a plane to your country.
I will stay close to your town.
We have a great opportunity to meet.
Meet to know each other, spend a nice evening together and night;)
For me, money is no problem and I can not pay all of our expenses with you.
If you are interested in my offer I beg you to find me online from my nickname obvorozhitel'naja .
Do not write me Email.
I very rarely come on my email.
Find me on the site.
Also there you can find my contact details.
Especially for you, I recorded a video clip and posted it on his page.
I ask you to look at it.
I could not send it to you by Email it as it is too large.
I will wait for you on the site.
PS I want you

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